The development of a company is based on a high-quality, solid foundation – a marketing strategy. Even the most sensitive entrepreneurial intuition has a limit, this is why the development of the business depends on long-term planning.

Every business needs a program-targeted approach. This is a reliable base for long-term development and business growth.
The marketing strategy determines what pains and objections of the target audience the product closes, due to which the business will withstand the competition, how it will bring profit.

Without a strategy, the entire spectrum of market opportunities is not visible. The company runs the risk of operating inefficiently, wasting resources and making mistakes by losing money.

Components of a marketing strategy

Market research

  • We study the specifics of the market, direct and indirect competitors. We analyze the position of the company in the market, its strengths and weaknesses.

Analysis of potential buyers

  • We discover the portrait of potential Customers: people or companies. We carry out segmentation of the target audience.

Value proposition

  • It explains how the product is able to cope with the problems of the target audience and why it will be chosen as the solution.

Long-term marketing goals

  • Goals are set to achieve maximum profit and its optimization by attracting a new audience, increasing the frequency of purchase / consumption of goods, and increasing loyalty to the product

Action plan and tools

  • The features of the pricing policy, advertising campaigns, methods of positioning and marketing of the product are determined. Marketing plans are being developed.

Approval and implementation of programs

  • Depending on the formed strategy, there is a thorough, substantiated, in-depth analysis of programs and their application in practice.


Implementing even the most suitable and proven strategy is a long journey that requires a certain amount of experience and knowledge. But with the help of professional support, the changes will be painless.

The strategy we produce is not a boring document with a list of platitudes, instead we create a roadmap that will allow you to be at all times within the vector for the success of your business. You will find a detailed plan with types of marketing activities and timing of their implementation, creative concepts and platforms for promotion.

How We work on writing a marketing strategy

We conduct an internal analysis of the company

We study the strengths and weaknesses of the organization, operational activities. We analyze the product, identify promising business areas, the advantages and disadvantages of existing products and the possibilities for creating new ones.

We analyze the market in which the company operates

We estimate the capacity, saturation and opportunities for market expansion. We identify the clear advantages of the company and the potential for competition. We analyze the popularity and availability of the product for the target audience. We study competitors. We find new places of sale, industry trends and check the factors on which the sales activity depends.

We analyze the target audience, highlight its segments

A precisely defined target group allows you to create a product that covers the Client’s most acute objections and worries. The analysis leads to the determination of purchase motives, helps to choose the best methods of communication with the buyer and the most successful marketing moves.

We develop product positioning for each segment

When a market segment is conquered, this does not mean that you are in the top positions. To stand out and be remembered by Customers, you need to know your advantages over your competitors. Correct positioning affects not only whether consumers buy your product, but even who you compete with for their attention.

We define marketing channels and communication strategy for each of them

We analyze the channels already used. We identify mistakes, determine possible areas of promotion, price categories of products, geographical and time frames, use the analysis of the target audience and find the channels that will most accurately lead the business to the goal.

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