Correct positioning helps to form a loyal audience around the brand and build communication with it. You should not count on capturing the entire market, there will always be people, even among target buyers, who will not understand your product, will not appreciate it.

Positioning is part of a marketing strategy that allows you to create and introduce to the market a unique, standout, covering the needs and pains of the target audience, the image of a product, company or brand. This is a process that allows you to establish contact with the consumer and hear his desires.

We are developing positioning for:


  • We will help you determine the most suitable niche for your business, separate yourself from competitors due to unique offers and product qualities.


  • We will create effective associations and the most beneficial images of your brand, using its mission and target message.

Goods and services

  • Using the most requested features / characteristics of the product, we will present the product in a winning light


For effective product positioning, it is important to think not only about the Customer, but also about the brand as a whole. And the main thing is to work in a holistic way for each segment of the target audience. Positioning strategy can vary greatly depending on age, gender, income, geography and other factors. For example, for one segment it is important to pay more attention to convenience, environmental friendliness, for another – safety. There are as many options as there are segments.

We will help you work out the value proposition and mission of your brand by studying the market, industry, the company itself and the target audience by segment.

Audience engagement and brand loyalty directly affect the marketing success of a company. Positioning identifies your real competitors and highlights product characteristics that they overlooked. This makes it possible to use the features and differences in advertising, to build the entire marketing strategy around them.

What are the steps:

1. Enterprise Companies

We carry out market segmentation, assess the potential of each segment, select target ones from them.

2. Examining the current position

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3. Positioning development

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4. Strategy formation

Formation of a strategy and action plan, taking into account the developed positioning

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